On this page we highlight the latest research opportunities for our students.
They are the outcome of a regular exchange with the School’s internal and external partners. In some cases clearly defined, these collaboration opportunities often remain malleaeble in order to adapt to specific scenarios and human constellations. They can turn into a relatively short independent study (3 credits) or take on more ambitious forms, from the PAIR Program (a 6 credit mix of paid internship and research) to becoming the inspiration and source for a comprehensive thesis.
The following opportunities are not categorized according to tracks, because we reckon that in many cases interdisciplinary arrangements have the capacity to uncover new concepts and solutions. This is a founding premise for this program, as is an understanding of research that constantly reflects on the relationship between the applied and the scholarly. Please contact us for any questions and new proposals.
Eric Firley
Associate Professor
Director of the Master of Science in Architecture
Email: efirley@miami.edu
Plusurbia, a leading urban design and planning firm, is looking for a UMSOA student to explore, analyze, and develop urban design and planning projects. The selected applicant will assist in researching and contributing to design and planning studies examining how different strategies respond to geographic and cultural context, as well as community factors. This opportunity offers hands-on experience in a dynamic environment where innovative ideas shape real-world urban futures.
The Miami office of OBMI, a global leader in hospitality design, would like to collaborate with a USOA student for a structured review of Wellness in Hospitality projects. Among other tasks, the applicant will gather relevant Hospitality project plans and analyze how their wellness design is influenced by geographic and cultural factors.
The University of Miami is in the process of radically improving the conditions for on-campus housing, through both new built and the renovation of existing dorms. Our department is looking for architecture students who can help us explore short, middle and long-term reconfiguration scenarios for several existing structures.
The Bakehouse Art Complex, Miami’s premiere not-for-profit incubator for artistic creativity, invites a motivated student to explore opportunities for Bakehouse to activate its neighborhood using art and culture by examining small-scale development on Section 8 scattered sites and on vacant lots due to recent demolition. Applicants will demonstrate basic notions of public art and placemaking, and special zoning regulations, for example in view of analyzing proposals according to their conformity with NRD 2 (Neighborhood Revitalization District).
Steven Miller, FAIA, RIBA
Adjunct Director, Representative to the Council of Fellows, AIA International
Managing Director, Planning And Design Consultants, LLC.
Email: smiller@plandesignconsult.com
We are seeking a graduate student to implement research in the field of volumetric modular construction (factory built - 3rd party inspection) for sustainability, resiliency, time and economic savings. The research could include nancing, political relationships, architecural and engineering interests, developer and contractor positives and negatives, assessment of manufacturing and transportation issues (land and sea), etc.
Many of our projects are in hospitality, student housing, affordable housing, and we are interested to apply this technology also to other building programs.
DPR Construction is seeking a student to implement design studies for the integration of prefabricated elements into themed architectural environments (new-built or repurposed/modernized).